Visit of the students of the 7th cohort of the “School of Liberal Politics” to the National Assembly

Visit of the students of the 7th cohort of the “School of Liberal Politics” to the National Assembly

Students of the 7th cohort of the “School of Liberal Politics” visited the National Assembly of Armenia, where they met MPs, the deputy head of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Arusyak Julhakyan, and the member of the same committee Lilith Minasyan.

The meeting was held on a Q&A basis where various questions were addressed: the functioning of the Committee, the diplomacy of the Parliament, the security environment of Armenia, and digital security in particular, the importance of the involvement of women in politics.

Arusyak Julhakyan represented the way laws are being developed, amended, and adopted, informed that recently criminal code and criminal procedure code were adopted. The deputy also mentioned the reforms in the police system and the new ministry.

Speaking about public awareness Lilith Minasyan told that before discussing draft legislation projects in which the public shows interest public hearings are held. She stressed that beneficiaries have the opportunity to take part in them and express their opinion. They can make offers as well.
During the meeting, media literacy was given huge importance. As an answer to the note of a student that there is an issue with exercising freedom, Lilith Minasyan has stressed that the limitation of Freedom is wrong: It is impossible to control the flow of fake news through limiting freedom. She mentioned that especially after the war the rate of media literacy raised in our society.

She spoke about parliamentary diplomacy as well, stressing the importance of involvement of Armenia on various international platforms. It was mentioned that the issues concerning Armenia and Artsakh were leveled in all possible platforms.
Within the frames of the meeting, students visited the library, museum, and hall of sessions.