
The School of Liberal Politics was established in 2017. The School creates an educational platform where young professionals are given theoretical and practical knowledge about political science, economics, jurisprudence, as well as liberalism and its development prospects.

The aim of the School is to train a new generation of leaders who will have liberal thinking and become the pioneers of democracy.

The School of Liberal Politics has already 7 streams of graduates. Soon the classes of the 8th stream will commence. The School of Liberal Politics has over 150 graduates.

  • Who lectures at the school? – Leading specialists in various fields, journalists, university professors, politicians, state and community servants give lectures at the school. In addition to theoretical courses, students do practical work, the purpose of which is the application of the theoretical knowledge in practice. In addition to the main courses, meetings with ambassadors, representatives of international organizations, government representatives and others are also organized.
  • What is the schedule of the School? – One educational stream of the School of Liberal Politics lasts for 3 months. Classes take place twice a week, from 7pm to 9pm.
  • What is intended for graduates? – After the graduation, alumni are awarded graduation certificates. Alumni join a mailing list, through which they get regular updates and announcements on various programs and opportunities.