Media literate Kapan

Media literate Kapan

25 confirmed and 50 actually participated today.
“Media literacy” training was held in Kapan. There were no free spaces in the hall. Every confirmed participant brought his/her relative or friend with him/her. But we are happy about that. Desire to learn is the most important, finding enough space was a technical issue.
Due to the internet information becomes more and more free, and the volume of it becomes bigger and bigger. It’s easy to get lost in this quantity.
Due to the internet information becomes more and more free, and the volume of it becomes bigger and bigger. It’s easy to get lost in this quantity.
Contemporary people should have the ability to analyze and assess information and create their own informational posts. Those skills lay in the base of media literacy.

Due to the training in Kapan another 50 people are media literate. They, in particular, heard the following topics:
“What is media and media literacy?”. The module was conducted by lawyer Norayr Baghdasaryan.
“Dangers of the fake news, facts, and judgments”. The module was conducted by the chairperson of the ILP Tatevik Matinyan.
“Hatred in media, how to be protected?”. The module was conducted by political scientists, journalist Vardan Lablajyan.
The training was participatory and was full of practical tasks. At the end of it, participants got their certificates.

From now on, The Institute of Liberal Politics will hold training in bordering communities more often. Wait for us in your communities!
Training is conducted by the Institute of Liberal Politics with the assistance of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of Armenia.