Memorandum of understanding to jointly fight hate speech

Memorandum of understanding to jointly fight hate speech

A memorandum of understanding was signed aimed at joining efforts in fighting hate speech
On November 3, the Human Rights Defender of Armenia, Ms. Kristine Grigoryan, and the President of “The Institute of Liberal Politics” NGO, Ms. Tatevik Matinyan, signed a memorandum of cooperation. The Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Armenia, H.E. Mr. Nico Schermers, attended the ceremony.

By signing the memorandum, the parties agreed to cooperate in defense of human dignity and freedom from discrimination, regardless of gender, race, skin color, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, belonging to a national minority, property, birth status or any other factor of identity as well as to combine their efforts within the framework of the “Combating hate speech for the sake of pluralism and tolerant, democratic society” project funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Armenia.

During the meeting preceding the memorandum signing, the Defender and Ms. Matinyan expressed their gratitude to H.E. Mr. Schermers for providing productive assistance in the fight against hate speech. In response, the Ambassador expressed hope that due to joint work, it will be possible to develop an effective toolkit that will be applicable to prevent the dissemination of hate speech not only in Armenia but also in any other country, including the Netherlands.