Media literacy training in Vayk

Media literacy training in Vayk

The “Media literate citizen” training in Vayk started with participants transforming their expectations into hashtags. The chairperson of the Institute of Liberal Politics Tatevik Matinyan delivered an opening speech.
She made an interesting comparison between media literacy and diet: “People do not eat everything and quite often develop diets. The same way is the information: we shouldn’t consume everything, we should choose”. The trainers were experts of Media Initiative Center Gegham Vardanyan and Ani Yeghiazaryan.

  • • Checking the source of the information,
    • What is fake news, and what are its indicators?
    • How to reveal fake news?
    • Main tools and methods for fact-checking,
    • Interactive games,
    • Discussions,
    • Motivational awards.
    This was the agenda of the training on the 13th of May in Vayk.
    Totally 37 participants were from the basic school of Arpi, the state college of Yeghegnadzor, the basic school of Yelpin, the high school of Vayk, and the college of ANAU. The trainers were experts of Media Initiative Center Gegham Vardanyan and Ani Yeghiazaryan. At the end of the training course participants were provided with certificates and the most active of them with motivational awards by the chairperson Tatevik Matinyan.
Training is conducted by the Institute of Liberal Politics with the assistance of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of Armenia.