Strengthening Women’s Rights Defenders in Armenia

Strengthening Women’s Rights Defenders in Armenia

The Institute of Liberal Politics is glad to announce the beginning of a new project that is aimed at developing skills and enriching knowledge of a new generation of women’s rights defenders.

The goal of the «Strengthening Women Rights Defenders in Armenia» project is to strengthen the skills, capacities, and knowledge of organizations and persons who major in the protection of women’s rights, thus reaching a higher level of rights protection.

Various project activities are planned within the project, including:

3-day training for 50 right defenders from 10 Marzes of Armenia;
Implementation of 10 small-scale local projects by the participants mentioned above;
Development and publishing practical manual for human rights defenders which will contain practic tools and directions;
Ad hoc report on women’s rights will be developed and published;
Camp for Mams and Daughters” training course for 25 moms and daughters will be conducted;
The 5th cohort of the “Women’s Academy” training course will be conducted for 25 women who are interested in politics and active citizenship;
Awareness-raising campaign will accompany the whole project.


The project will serve as a platform for creating and strengthening new cooperations. It will promote constant development of the civic sphere, thus contributing to the development of democratic values and the rule of law in Armenia.

The project is implemented with the assistance of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of Armenia.