Visit of the students of the 9th cohort of the School of Liberal Politics to the Arbitration and Mediation Center of Armenia (AMCA)

Visit of the students of the 9th cohort of the School of Liberal Politics to the Arbitration and Mediation Center of Armenia (AMCA)

Today students of the 9th cohort of the School of Liberal Politics visited the Arbitration and Mediation Center of Armenia (AMCA). Arbitration is a method of alternative dispute resolution that allows parties to settle their disputes simply, swiftly, and under confidentiality.

The activities of the Center, challenges of arbitration, and perspectives for development in Armenia, as well as the website of the Center, were presented to the students. The director of the Center Tatevik Matinyan showed students a short video that tells about arbitration, after which a discussion started on arbitration and mediation as alternative dispute resolution tools.

Through a set of various questions, students got detailed information on the appointment of arbitrators, implementation of the arbitral awards, the efficiency of arbitration, etc.

They also learned that the implementation of the arbitral awards is ensured through the New York Convention in more than 170 countries.