Combating hate speech for the sake of pluralism and tolerant democratic society

Combating hate speech for the sake of pluralism and tolerant democratic society

Within the frames of “Combating hate speech for the sake of pluralism and tolerant democratic society” project funded by Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Armenia “Institute of liberal politics” NGO provided an sub-grant to “Kanani” socio-psychological center.

During the following 8 months “Kanani” NGO is to implement “Emotional literacy as a bullying prevention measure” project. Project has a goal to promote raising the rate of emotional literacy among pupils of high school, thus preventing bullying cases.
Within the project 460 pupils from 23 schools of RA will partake in psychological trainings and raise the rate of their emotional intelligence.
Geography of the project includes Tavush, Syuniq, Lori, Shirak, Kotayq, Vayots Dzor provinces and Yerevan․